Tuesday, April 16, 2013

National Library Week- Shared Reading Hour

To kick off our celebration of National Library Week at Bill J. Elliott we hosted a Shared Reading Hour. The event featured prominent male role models from the community. These men spent an hour of their time reading to students in Grades PreK-5th. Our goal for this event was to make sure that our males of all ages were able to witness how being good readers today can impact their future tomorrow.


Monday, March 4, 2013

Celebrate Dr. Seuss' Birthday

Hooray, hooray for Dr. Seuss' Birthday. Today the students in grades PreK-second spent the day in the library celebrating Dr. Seuss' 109th birthday. The students learned important facts about the author that we all have grown to love.
In appreciation of this special day each student received individual gifts as well as an opportunity to win additional prizes from a drawing held later on that day. If you have not done so with your little one please share the gift of Dr. Seuss' influential book collection with your child today.